The sixth part of our series: “Seven Events that Defined Our World.” Today we look at The Tower of Babel from Genesis 11. At the Tower of Babel, mankind attempted to become God, but God in his mercy scattered them so that one day through his Son, he would gather them together as his people.

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Genesis 3 – “The Fall of Man”

The third part of our series: “Seven Events that Defined Our World.” Today we focus on the Fall of Man. In Genesis 3, we learn about the instance sin first entered the perfect world, what the consequences of that was and where our hope must now lie.

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The final part of a four part sermon series entitled ‘Christianity According to Jesus’. The account of the demon possessed man gives unique insight into how the evil one operates, and what his intention is with humanity. Jesus confronts the darkest of evil and transforms the most hopeless and irretrievable situations. Read ahead at Luke […]

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This passage has at its core, the incredible miracle of Jonah being swallowed by a fish where he survives for three days and nights before being spat out on dry land. To some, this story is enough to rubbish the whole bible as being truthful. For the Christian, it is another example of our God […]

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