This morning we work through the vision found in Ezekiel 1 and are reminded of the Glory of God. We look at the picture of the vision found in this chapter and then the meaning of the vision.
This morning we wrap up our series on the Signs of Power in John. Each sign is written in John so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing, you may have life in his name! (John 20:31). The raising of Lazarus is the final … […]
The sixth part of our series: “Seven Events that Defined Our World.” Today we look at The Tower of Babel from Genesis 11. At the Tower of Babel, mankind attempted to become God, but God in his mercy scattered them so that one day through his Son, he would gather them together as his people.
The fifth part of our series: “Seven Events that Defined Our World.” Today we look at events of The Flood as found in Genesis 6-9. Whenever we see a rainbow in the sky, it serves two very serious functions. Do you know what they are?
The fourth part of our series: “Seven Events that Defined Our World.” Today we look at the story of Cain and Abel. In Genesis 4, we come to a full realisation of the terrible, awful consequences of sin entering the world.
The third part of our series: “Seven Events that Defined Our World.” Today we focus on the Fall of Man. In Genesis 3, we learn about the instance sin first entered the perfect world, what the consequences of that was and where our hope must now lie.
When we read the first chapter of Ecclesiastes 1 it’s hard not to feel depressed! In light of this, is there any meaning in the life we live here on this earth? Where do we find hope?
Hope is desperately needed in our sinful, fallen world. Where do you find your hope?