This Sunday we will continue our series on Ezekiel coming to chapter 34. We have seen God judge Israel and surrounding nations for their sin but now He turns His attention towards the leaders of Israel who have failed to shepherd His people. But God will not leave us with judgement, as we will see […]
Today we take a look at TWO of the works of power recorded in John, Jesus healing the lame and the blind. Come join us as together we learn what these miracles teach us about Jesus, His power and our faith in Him.
We turn to the second miracle recorded in the Gospel of John, Jesus healing the official’s son (John 4:46-54). We learn more about who Jesus is and about faith.
In 1 Samuel 7, we reach a turning point. Samuel judges Israel and he calls them to repent. In verse 3 Samuel says: “If you are returning to the Lord with all your hearts, then rid yourselves of the foreign gods and the Ashtoreths and commit yourselves to the Lord and serve him only, and […]
As we enter 1 Samuel 5 the Ark of the Covenant is in the hands of the Philistines. However, God is greater than any of Israel’s enemies and far greater than any of their man-made idol. The Lord’s authority and power are on full display.
We are up to the I in TULIP! The I stands for ‘Irresistible Grace’. ”The doctrine of irresistible grace says that the Holy Spirit never fails to call, regenerate, and save those whom the Father has elected and Christ has redeemed.” – Joel Beeke
The third part of our series: “Seven Events that Defined Our World.” Today we focus on the Fall of Man. In Genesis 3, we learn about the instance sin first entered the perfect world, what the consequences of that was and where our hope must now lie.
This week, we have a bonus follow-up message to the series we finished last week, ‘The Road to Calvary,’ on the ascension of Jesus. The ascension can often be overlooked as just a small detail in the gospel account, but join us as we explore seven reasons why the ascension matters much more than you […]
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