How often do you stop to pray? Do you schedule it in? Do you want to pray and make time for it? Our Heavenly Father is waiting to hear from us. He is Lord of our lives, our hearts. Give Him the glory and honour He is due.
Do you pray for the things happening in the world around you? How do you pray? In this sermon we are encouraged to let out a fervent cry to our faithful Lord who is always ready to listen to us.
Young Adults Evening Service. A follow up to our four part ‘Christianity According to Jesus’ series. What’s the foundation of your life? This is a critical question, and we hardly ever consider it. Living ‘Jesus Shaped Lives’ requires not only hearing and believing, but also doing. Jesus demands ongoing change of behaviour. The question is: […]
The final part of a four part sermon series entitled ‘Christianity According to Jesus’. The account of the demon possessed man gives unique insight into how the evil one operates, and what his intention is with humanity. Jesus confronts the darkest of evil and transforms the most hopeless and irretrievable situations. Read ahead at Luke […]
The third of a four part sermon series entitled ‘Christianity According to Jesus’. Following Jesus means we enter a Kingdom of love: love that is radical and selfless. This love radically reorients how we treat other people, even those from whom we might typically recoil or despise.
The second of a four part sermon series entitled ‘Christianity According to Jesus’. When Jesus calls us to follow Him, He’s calling us to considerably more than a change of mind or beliefs. Sure, we start with what we believe about Him, but like His call to Levi, following Him means taking decisive action.
The first of a four part sermon series entitled ‘Christianity According to Jesus’. If we are to frame Christianity in the light of Jesus’ own teaching and life example, what would we start changing in our lives or in our church? If we’re going to follow Jesus now, we need to know why he came […]
Life is complicated. It seems the more life we experience, the more complicated things become. Anxious thoughts and worry seem to be ever present realities. So, how does Jesus’ promise of ‘rest’ impact on us as his followers? How can he promise us rest if he also promises to burden us? Answering these questions will […]