This morning, as we finish 2024, we will reflect on the Church of Laodicea, exploring the dangers of self-sufficiency and the need to recognise our dependence on Jesus and the power of the gospel.
This morning we wrap up our series on the Signs of Power in John. Each sign is written in John so that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing, you may have life in his name! (John 20:31). The raising of Lazarus is the final … […]
We continue our series on the Works of Power from John, looking at Jesus feeding the 5,000. As we’ve seen already, each sign points forward to something far greater, and today, we’ll see the bread Jesus provides for the crowd points us forward to something far far greater – and that is the Bread of […]
This morning, we are wrapping up our series on 1 Samuel. We finish the series at chapter 8, which marks a significant turning point in the narrative of Samuel and even in the narrative of the Bible. In asking for a King like the nations, Israel rejects their identity as God’s chosen people. This chapter […]
We start a series on the first eight chapters of 1 Samuel. The Book of Samuel could be called: “The Coming of the King”. The Book of Samuel is a leadership book that ultimately leads towards the King that God would provide for his people, Israel. Like Israel 3000 years ago, we live in a […]
You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last.” – John 15:16. We continue our TULIP series with the “U” which stands for Unconditional Election. Of all doctrines, the grace of God is seen most clearly in election and it is […]
Join us for our third sermon in Philippians as we dive into the profound truth behind Paul’s famous declaration, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Find out how living for Christ brings purpose and how the hope of being with Him in death liberates us to live fearless lives […]
We’re excited to begin a new sermon series on the book of Philippians. Paul is writing from his prison cell in Rome … to the church he founded in Philippi about the joy of Christ and the joy from Christ. Joy that is above circumstances. Joy that shines brightly in the darkness. Joy that is […]