Psalm 1 – “The Blessed Man”

The first part of a two part mini series on Psalms 1 and 2. These two Psalms form a literary unit and frame the introduction to the whole book of Psalms. They are the “Gateway to the Psalms.” In Psalm 1 we learn the Blessed Man is Jesus and it is only through His saving […]

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The third and final part of Matt’s short series about Jesus’ ministry. Jesus is strong in His condemnation of sin, His speech against false converts and in what the Bible teaches. Jesus will deal with us kindly if we confess our sins, His yoke is easy and He will give us rest.

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This passage has at its core, the incredible miracle of Jonah being swallowed by a fish where he survives for three days and nights before being spat out on dry land. To some, this story is enough to rubbish the whole bible as being truthful. For the Christian, it is another example of our God […]

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Acts 9:19b-43

The passage reveals some remarkable turnarounds! Some truly, ‘I never saw that coming’ moments. People saved and healed. We consider how Jesus is proclaimed by Saul as the Son of God, that Jesus can save even the most unlikely people and finally how Jesus can heal and do what is humanly impossible. All of it […]

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Samson and Delilah – Judges 16

People say that you live and learn, but sadly, too many people just live! Samson is a man much like that, making mistakes, the same mistakes, over and over again. He is the saviour of Israel and yet he is a man who needs a saviour. Samson is indeed a weak man in man areas […]

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John 9:1-9, “Who Sinned?”

Even though it was a terrible question that the disciples asked Jesus when they asked the question, “Who sinned, this man or his parents?” we can be grateful for Jesus’ answer. This answer helps us to understand the relationship between suffering and sin.

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