This passage from Leviticus 24 is often termed ‘the law of retribution’ – making sure the punishment fits the crime. By examining this law we learn more about our good, just and merciful Judge.
This thought should cause us all to feel uncomfortable. If legalism lurks amongst the religious, then it lurks in me and you and we need to keep a good look out for it and recognise it when we see it. This lurking legalism should cause us all to examine our own hearts. We can ask […]
Brad goes through this analogy that Paul uses so that those we can understand the difference between living according to the law and living with a knowledge of the grace of God.
When we live with a belief in justification by faith alone, we can live with joy. As soon as we slip and move towards works as a failed means of being right with God we end up moving towards formalism and the repercussions of that are a lack of joy and a judgmental attitude.
Paul can’t believe the Galatian Christians are turning back to the Law, as a means of being right with God. Paul explains how the law increases the trespass and urges them to hold on to the Gospel as the only means of being right with God.
What about that person and I think what Paul writes here is one of the best treatises on the subject that you are ever likely to find! While before becoming a Christian, Paul could see in himself a desire to flout the law, to do what the law told him not to do, now there […]
Paul is continuing to answer the question of whether or not because we are justified by grace and not by works, whether then how we live actually atters? Can I not just continue to sin? If I am dead to the law, can I not live however I please? Surely I have no need to […]
What Paul is saying here is that faith and the law are opposites and if a person chooses one he or she has in actual fact rejected the other. It is impossible to be saved by both works and faith at the same time. Putting it another way. If you are depending on the law […]
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