Acts 12 ‘Power, Position and Praise’

In this chapter, Luke brings out the comparison between Peter and the church with Herod. We see the seemingly powerless church meet divine rescue. To all intents and purposes, the church is powerless in comparison to the might and power of Herod. Yet the church is mighty through prayer. Herod we find to be powerless […]

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Judges 9

Judges ch9 paints a pretty bleak picture of what human beings are like when left to their own devices. In a chapter where God is not mentioned we see what a society without God might look lie but also ask, is he absent? But God is not absent then or now and has been acting […]

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Romans 1:16-32 Wrath Revealed

Romans 1:18 tells us that the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness.  There will be a final day when Jesus returns and the wrath of God will be revealed at that time.  Yet this verse says that it is being revealed now.  So in what ways do we see the […]

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