Philippians is a letter about joy. The idea of joy or rejoicing is mentioned 12 times in 104 verses in the NIV. Yet this book is written by a man in prison, in chains, isolated from his friends, facing potential death. How can he still be joyful? Can we have joy in the rough and […]
Join us for our third sermon in Philippians as we dive into the profound truth behind Paul’s famous declaration, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Find out how living for Christ brings purpose and how the hope of being with Him in death liberates us to live fearless lives […]
We’re excited to begin a new sermon series on the book of Philippians. Paul is writing from his prison cell in Rome … to the church he founded in Philippi about the joy of Christ and the joy from Christ. Joy that is above circumstances. Joy that shines brightly in the darkness. Joy that is […]
Psalm 130 is a song of ascents, expressing a journey from death to life, from despair to joy, from personal to public. This sermon looks at the three messages of the Psalm: 1. Prayer from the Pit (vs. 1-4) 2. Sermon to Self (vs. 5-6) 3. Declaration of Deliverance (vs. 7-8)
When we live with a belief in justification by faith alone, we can live with joy. As soon as we slip and move towards works as a failed means of being right with God we end up moving towards formalism and the repercussions of that are a lack of joy and a judgmental attitude.
In this well-known passage, Jesus teaches us that as His disciples, we are to bear fruit. It is not optional, or merely a good suggestion. It matters. By our fruit, others will know we are Jesus’ disciples and God himself is glorified. So disciples bear fruit and it is only possible as we are connected […]
In the Christmas Carol, ‘O Holy Night’ we sing the words, ‘A thrill of Hope, A weary world rejoices.’ How true as we reach the end of the year 2021 is it to say, our world is weary! The carol says however that there is hope. As we consider the Biblical account of Christmas, we […]
In this Psalm we find David nailing his colours to the mast. He says God is the one I love, he is the one I follow. I will not surrender, I will not retreat. I will choose to go his way, no matter what battle I face. I will trust him always and I will […]
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