We turn to the second miracle recorded in the Gospel of John, Jesus healing the official’s son (John 4:46-54). We learn more about who Jesus is and about faith.
This morning we begin a series on the signs of Jesus in John’s Gospel. The first of these signs is turning water into wine, which reveals the amazing power of Jesus and produces faith in His disciples.
We are up to the I in TULIP! The I stands for ‘Irresistible Grace’. ”The doctrine of irresistible grace says that the Holy Spirit never fails to call, regenerate, and save those whom the Father has elected and Christ has redeemed.” – Joel Beeke
The second part of our Philippians series. Is the advancement of the Gospel your motivation in life? Whatever the circumstances God can use them for His own glory.
Profession of Faith of DR. It’s normal to have doubts, in his sermon today Colin encourages us to doubt our doubts and believe our beliefs!
Young Adults Evening Service. A follow up to our four part ‘Christianity According to Jesus’ series. What’s the foundation of your life? This is a critical question, and we hardly ever consider it. Living ‘Jesus Shaped Lives’ requires not only hearing and believing, but also doing. Jesus demands ongoing change of behaviour. The question is: […]
The second of a three part series on the book of Joel. At your lowest point God calls you to hope in His abundant grace. There are three main points in this sermon: 1. The Call to Seek the Lord’s Mercy (Joel 2: 12-17) 2. The Answer of the Lord’s Blessings (Joel 2: 18-27) 3. […]
Young Adults Evening Service. In this sermon Steve looks at the different reasons for why we believe in Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). He looks at the philosophical, experiential, rational, phenomenological, historical and spiritual reasons for faith.