Matthew 25:31-46 A Sheep or a Goat?

In this section of Scripture, Jesus is pictured as he really is. He is pictured as a King, coming in all his glory with his angels. He then calls the nations before him and he is placing all humanity into two distinct camps. He is separating the sheep from the goats. On the day of […]

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No doubt those who heard this parable, especially the disciples who were fisherman, knew exactly what Jesus was talking about when he spoke about a dragnet. Once the fish were brought to shore, a judgement would have to be made about the fish. Which one’s made good eating and which ones did not! The good […]

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Many of those who followed Jesus then leave – perhaps in dribs and drabs. If Jesus wasn’t going to give them more to eat and perform other amazing miracles they were out of there. At the end Jesus is left only with the twelve. While the great crowds were curious about Jesus – even wanting […]

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A teacher, preacher, evangelist’s role is to effectively sow the seed. In other words, he has to faithfully proclaim, to the best of his ability, the Word of God. Yet, he is not responsible for the germination and growth of the seed – God does that!  Unlike a salesman who is judged on sales, a […]

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Ruth 1: 16 Ruth’s Profession

Elimilech and family leave the promised land and Ruth makes the most beautiful profession of faith. Whenever a person reaches for the Lord we generally see a number of factors in play. We often see a profound disappointment with what life is currently offering and we see a real desire to come into fellowship with […]

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Joshua 2 Rahab, an Extraordinary Woman

Why did Rahab throw her lot in with the people of God? This “throwing one’s lot in” with the people of God wasn’t something that she did on a whim or because the spies had as much sex appeal as Ian Flemmings’ James Bond. She threw her lot in with the people of God because […]

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