Christmas day service 2021

Today we remember that Jesus is born! The saviour of the world, which is good news of great joy for all the people! But what impact does this good have for you? Is it just generally good news that he came to be your saviour, or when you break it down, does a baby born […]

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Luke 2:1-20 ‘Do we need Shepherds?’

The Shepherds are a well-known part of the Christmas story. But do we need them? What do they add to the story? What might we miss if they were not? Our sermon considers that as shepherds they point us to Jesus, the true and good shepherd. But they are also normal everyday people like all […]

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Carols Connect – Luke 2:1-15; Isaiah 9:2, 6-7

In the Christmas Carol, ‘O Holy Night’ we sing the words, ‘A thrill of Hope, A weary world rejoices.’ How true as we reach the end of the year 2021 is it to say, our world is weary! The carol says however that there is hope. As we consider the Biblical account of Christmas, we […]

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Matthew 2:12 – Christmas Day Service

Experiencing all that they did, the Wise mens’ expectations would have all been turned on their head! So we read that they left Bethlehem by another route because they were warned about Herod’s murderous intentions. Yet, figuratively speaking, they travelled home by another route because they were inwardly changed.  They came to Bethlehem thinking one […]

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