The second part of a two part mini series on Psalms 1 and 2. These two Psalms form a literary unit and frame the introduction to the whole book of Psalms. They are the “Gateway to the Psalms.” In this sermon Brad takes us through Psalm 2. No matter what the world tries, God ensures […]
The first part of a two part mini series on Psalms 1 and 2. These two Psalms form a literary unit and frame the introduction to the whole book of Psalms. They are the “Gateway to the Psalms.” In Psalm 1 we learn the Blessed Man is Jesus and it is only through His saving […]
Psalm 24 is a Psalm of David. David asks the question – who can go up the hill of the Lord? The answer is only the pure in heart – not David, but Jesus. Jesus enters Jerusalem as the Lord of Hosts. The Host is us!
Colin walks the congregation through Psalm 6. Life is full of suffering, how do you respond? The Bible has the answer, the cure for suffering.
Psalm 130 is a song of ascents, expressing a journey from death to life, from despair to joy, from personal to public. This sermon looks at the three messages of the Psalm: 1. Prayer from the Pit (vs. 1-4) 2. Sermon to Self (vs. 5-6) 3. Declaration of Deliverance (vs. 7-8)
In this well-known passage, Jesus teaches us that as His disciples, we are to bear fruit. It is not optional, or merely a good suggestion. It matters. By our fruit, others will know we are Jesus’ disciples and God himself is glorified. So disciples bear fruit and it is only possible as we are connected […]
Have you ever felt sorry for yourself? If so it is likely because you feel hard done by. My life shouldn’t be like this. It can make us sad, or discouraged, we can feel self-pity or perhaps just despondent. Sometimes we might think, why do I bother, or what’s the point. Often at the root […]
C.S.Lewis said, ”The world rings with praise—lovers praising their mistresses, readers their favourite poet, walkers praising the countryside, players praising their favourite game – praise of weather, wines, dishes, actors, motors, horses, colleges, countries, children, flowers, mountains….’ The question is, do God’s people, his children, resound with praise for him? We consider: Why we Praise, […]