Baptism of A van der Kolk. Gerald speaks about the importance of teaching our children, the next generation, about all God has done. We do not want to be like the Israelites, where generations quickly forgot how the Lord cared for them. We do this by teaching our children what is in the Bible, but […]
One of the things problems that we have as human beings is that we are always forgetting things. When it comes to living the Christian life, I often compare myself to a leaky bucket. You would have heard me say that before. A leaky bucket is always losing water and in my Christian life, I […]
Looking at the final chapter of Habakkuk, we find a very different man from the one we met at the beginning. A man complaining to God, wondering why God wouldn’t answer his prayers for the things he wanted God to do; a man who then wonders whether God really cares about his people and who […]
We have a God that is forgiving and gracious to us and we should praise him for these wonderful attributes.