The third of a four part sermon series entitled ‘Christianity According to Jesus’. Following Jesus means we enter a Kingdom of love: love that is radical and selfless. This love radically reorients how we treat other people, even those from whom we might typically recoil or despise.

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We seem to live in a world today where tolerance is seen as a virtue. The only thing not tolerated is intolerance. This 4th letter, to the church in Thyatira, addresses a church who are commended for their love, faith, service and perseverance. And on top of that their latter works exceed the first, yet […]

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This series looks at the letters to the 7 Churches in Revelation. In His 1st letter, Jesus writes to the church in Ephesus. A church commended for hard work and patient endurance and yet criticised for having lost their first love. Perhaps love for God or possibly love for others, but it is a failure […]

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John 13 “Jesus, Servant and Lord”

In this remarkable passage, we find Jesus, the creator of the world, the Son of God, hours away from his arrest and death, kneeling down and washing the feet of his disciples. It was the job of a servant, yet Jesus does this to show that his imminent death would by faith mean that all […]

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Habakkuk 1:1-13; 2:1 ‘2020, What was that?’

When the phrase, ‘What was that’ is used it might be en exclamation of disbelief, it might be said in confusion or uncertainty or simply a genuine question. We seek to consider the year 2020 and what was that? what has just happened? What is it that we have seen and experienced here in Australia […]

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1 John 2:7-11 – The Social Test

In the book of 1 John, there are laid out 3 tests by which we can examine ourselves to see that we are in the faith. By doing so and passing the test we can have assurance of eternal life – 1 John 5:13. The Second test is the Social Test – Do you Love […]

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