The second of a three part series on the book of Joel. At your lowest point God calls you to hope in His abundant grace. There are three main points in this sermon: 1. The Call to Seek the Lord’s Mercy (Joel 2: 12-17) 2. The Answer of the Lord’s Blessings (Joel 2: 18-27) 3. […]
Acts 8:26-40 stands in contrast to the first part of the chapter from last week. In Samaria, Phillip evangelised ordinary citizens in large crowds. This week he evangelises one Ethiopian palace official. The method and the people were very different, but the result was the same, that they were saved! We are encouraged to remember […]
As we begin a new sermon series on the book of Acts, we consider that Jesus’ ministry did not simply end when he died, rose again and then ascended into heaven. In fact, it is only the beginning. The book of Acts is the continuation of Jesus’ work in the world. Jesus’ work continues today […]
Paul opens up this section of Romans 8 by acknowledging that the result of sin has brought suffering. Yet compared with the glory to come for the Christian, our suffering and trials are not worth comparing. As God’s children, we must expect suffering, even as evidence that we are truly God’s children and disciples. So […]
We begin this sermon considering that Christianity is no add on in the believer’s life. God is not merely useful to us but absolutely necessary. God does not just come to upgrade our lives – to make them better. But rather he must become the centre of our lives as we deny ourselves taking up […]
Paul is continuing to answer the question of whether or not because we are justified by grace and not by works, whether then how we live actually atters? Can I not just continue to sin? If I am dead to the law, can I not live however I please? Surely I have no need to […]
In this one-off sermon, we take a further look at our mission statement and ask – How will it be possible? What is needed for us to Win people and to be transformed to be like Christ? we need to recognise how disciples are made. This is done by the 4 P’s, “Disciples are made […]
This is the fourth sermon on the five convictions of The Vine Project which we are doing as a church. The theme is that disciples make other disciples by the grace of God and through the working of the Holy Spirit. The first part of the sermon looks at hindrances to this!
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