This is our final sermon in our TULIP series. P stands for ‘Perseverance of the Saints.’ This point addresses our eternal security. Many professing Christians end up turning away from Jesus. This leaves us asking the question: must man persevere in faith or is is God the One who preserves us?? In Philippians we read […]

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John 6:35-40 – “Irresistible Grace”

We are up to the I in TULIP! The I stands for ‘Irresistible Grace’. ”The doctrine of irresistible grace says that the Holy Spirit never fails to call, regenerate, and save those whom the Father has elected and Christ has redeemed.” – Joel Beeke

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In this sermon we look at two “grace” gifts that God has provided us with in Christ. The first is the redemption through his blood and the second is the “Knowledge” and insight that we receive because we belong to Christ. We know what the problem of man is. We know how we have been […]

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