John 8:31-38 The Truth will Set you Free

Jesus is here laying out what it means to be a true disciple. He speaks of those who are TRULY his disciples. there might be some people who go to church, are part of ministries, they like Jesus, they might read the Bible on occasion. Probably they want to go to heaven, maybe they can […]

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1 Kings 17 God’s Word leaves Israel

In this series on 1 Kings we discover one disappointing king after another and in this sermon we come to the lowest point where King Ahab decides to institute the cult of Baal as the state religion. God, by his grace, however, doesn’t let him get away with it and sends his prophet to rebuke […]

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1 Kings 13:18-34 The Wily Old Prophet

I called him a “wily old prophet” but he is really a false prophet, a conniving and wicked prophet, who did not speak for God at all! Jesus described Satan as being the “Father of lies” and this man then was one of Satan’s children. Yet, there is more to the story than that!

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John 5: 31-47 Testimonies about Jesus

Jesus actually declared that his own testimony was not enough to convince someone to believe that he was the Messiah, the Son of God and so in this passage he points to the reliable witnesses that should have been enough to convince even the most hardened sceptic.

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2 Timothy 4:1-5 Preach the Word

I wonder at times about our ability to stand firm and not be swayed by popular opinion? The thing is this! I think every person I know wants to be liked! For many people, the way to be liked is to blend in and to cave into the group or the crowd you are in. […]

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