Psalm 130 “Deliverance from the Depths”

The psalmist writes from the ‘depths.’ His struggle is with sin and yet there is hope. He acknowledges his sin and calls out to God, the only one who can help when sin is our problem. We must learn to do likewise. As the psalmist waits in hope for God to forgive, we come knowing […]

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Luke 2:8-21 Stop & Hear – a Present for all

‘In a commonplace environment, at an inappropriate hour.’  This is the title of a social experiment considered where people missed the beauty of what took place because of where & when it took place.  We look then at the commonplace event of a baby being born in a stable in Bethlehem at the inappropriate time […]

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Christmas Carols Service

Using a ‘Christingle’ as a visual aid, the children made their own as each part helped explain the meaning of Christmas. An orange to represent the world. A red ribbon representing Jesus blood shed for the sins of the world. 4 sticks of fruit to represent the 4 corners of the earth and the 4 […]

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This parable reveals to us a Stifled Son who Spends and the Forgiving Father who offers Freedom. The dictionary defines the word prodigal as meaning…Wasteful or recklessly extravagant: lavish or lavishly abundant.  In understanding the word we can see how the younger son in seeking freedom lived prodigally.  But we also see that the Father, […]

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In this parable we find a servant as a debtor, a creditor and finally a prisoner. Having been forgiven so much he should have forgiven the one in debt to him.  For the Christian, having been forgiven such a great amount we must also forgive others  For the Christian forgiveness towards others is not only […]

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