Jesus walking on the water is the 4th work of power we take a look at in this series. The disciples, seeing Jesus walking on the water are initially terrified of his appearance but nevertheless invite him into the boat.
The first part of a two part mini series on Psalms 1 and 2. These two Psalms form a literary unit and frame the introduction to the whole book of Psalms. They are the “Gateway to the Psalms.” In Psalm 1 we learn the Blessed Man is Jesus and it is only through His saving […]
The second of a four part sermon series entitled ‘Christianity According to Jesus’. When Jesus calls us to follow Him, He’s calling us to considerably more than a change of mind or beliefs. Sure, we start with what we believe about Him, but like His call to Levi, following Him means taking decisive action.
In this sermon the cost of following Jesus is considered. Following Jesus is a wholehearted commitment, there is a price to pay but we gain everything. Where else have we to go?
Gerald’s last official sermon as Minister of the Christian Reformed Church Sutherland Shire. There is no alternative but to follow Jesus!
The passage in many ways lays out for us the basics of what it means to be a genuine disciple of Jesus – Discipleship 101. A true disciple is imperfect but learning to follow Jesus. They are also those who deny themselves in favour of following Jesus and being obedient to him. This is done […]