What the destinies of people and do we really care where people end up?
I suspect that the word “disciple” doesn’t necessarily mean that they were all converted because some did fall away but it means that these people were doing life with Jesus. Other’s might use the words, “Learners of Jesus.” After all, Jesus taught us this, “Not everyone who says Lord, Lord, will enter the Kingdom of […]
Reflecting on Vine Project material and considering how people are reached with the gospel.
“All Christians are to boldly speak the Word of truth – despite us all having a variety of ministries.”
This series based on the Vine Project, looks at where disciples are made.
The old Peter resurfaces in this text and his mouth moves before his brain is engaged. Peter says this, “What about him?” I think we all relate to Peter’s comments. The human condition is such that we spend endless time comparing ourselves with others. We so often feel good or bad in comparison to others. […]
Jesus is here laying out what it means to be a true disciple. He speaks of those who are TRULY his disciples. there might be some people who go to church, are part of ministries, they like Jesus, they might read the Bible on occasion. Probably they want to go to heaven, maybe they can […]
The passage in many ways lays out for us the basics of what it means to be a genuine disciple of Jesus – Discipleship 101. A true disciple is imperfect but learning to follow Jesus. They are also those who deny themselves in favour of following Jesus and being obedient to him. This is done […]