Session Notes for Thursday the 26th of March, 2020.
Session met using the ZOOM application and we did have some technical difficulties which meant that not every office bearer was able to join in fully. Lots of learning there! Gerald opened the meeting with prayer and a Bible reading from Joshua 1, which focussed on Joshua being strong and courageous as he entered into the Promised Land and we being strong and courageous as we enter into this new period of history. After this we looked at the agenda which was still pretty long due to the repercussions of the virus. Just allow me to convey the points of interest.
Deacons Update
- Jeremy and Michael gave us an update on the deacons work and they asked that if anyone in the congregation needed their assistance to not hesitate to call them. Originally, before the heavy restrictions came into effect, there was the hope of having a food bank at church but as this is no longer possible, they would ask the congregation to contact them personally if they can be of assistance in anyway.
Elders update
- Each of the elder teams gave an update on their work, which was mostly via the phone. The elders found that many members are adjusting well to the new situation and they were most encouraged.
- Harry reported that due to the restrictions that the Marriage Enrichment workshop will be postponed.
Live Stream
- Gerald spoke to the Live Stream and we have been asking some of our young men interested in ministry if they would like to participate through leading us through our time of confession of sin.
Frequency of Live Stream and evening service
- A discussion was had about holding a Sunday evening Live stream but at this stage we will simply continue as we are – with only the morning service being live streamed. A Live-Stream requires quite a bit of technical effort and at this time we do not have enough people trained in its use.
Lord’s Supper
- As a Session we are going to attempt to have Lord’s Supper on Good Friday. We thought that it would be special this year to do it on this date and we are going to do so via the Live Stream. The minister will introduce the Lord’s Supper as usual and you at home will have prepared by being ready with a piece of bread and some wine or grape juice.
Sunday Evening Zoom Meeting
- We also briefly discussed the ZOOM meeting held on Sunday night and thought that approximately 40 minutes in length was the way to go.
- We know some people cannot access ZOOM or are unfamiliar with it, but we also believe that we can all learn, and we will attempt to send through a guide in its use. For most of us it would be as simple as downloading the Application onto our computer or Smart Phone and clicking a link. For those who set up the meeting it will require slightly more work but for many people it is happening, and many people are quite excited about it.
- If you need some extra help with Zoom – please see this simple guide.
Wedderburn Christian Campsite
- We were asked about what we can do to support the Wedderburn Christian Campsite. We had an update on this and there a number of things are already happening in that regard and processes will no doubt be put into place to help the campsite survive. If you want to support them personally, please read the Newsletter which has some details there.
Church Finances
- At each Session meeting we will ask for an update in regard to the Church finances. At this time approximately 27% of our giving/offering comes through the passing of the collection bags at our normal church services. We would urge members of the congregation to quickly move to electronic funds transfers (EFT) with these details… Reformed Church of Sutherland: Bank: Westpac BSB 032059 Acc 770161.
The above seem the salient points of the meeting and we agreed to meet again together, via ZOOM, at 7.30 p.m. the 9th of April.
Dennis closed the meeting in prayer!
On behalf of the Session,