Daniel 2: 24-49 The rise of Daniel

What strikes me is this… Daniel would have been someone in Judah, he was a nobleman’s young son – perhaps even a prince. When the city of Jerusalem fell he found himself a captive to the Babylonians and would have had an 800 kilometre walk to Babylon. There, his fortunes started to revive and he was granted a position at Nebuchadnezzar’s prestigious university. By the grace of God he negotiated one dangerous hurdle when he refused to defile himself by eating the king’s food. However, through no fault of his own he and his friends end up under a death sentence. Daniel and his friends turn to God and God grants him the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and suddenly he is elevated to be governor of the Province of Babylon as well as made the Principle of the University of Babylon. An amazing position for someone so young.