The second part of a two part series on 2 John. After discussing the signs of an authentic Christian church last week, Rev Colin Grant walks through the commitments of an authentic Christian church. There are four points. An authentic Christian church is committed to: 1. Recognise False Teaching 2. Run from False Teaching 3. […]
What strikes me is this… Daniel would have been someone in Judah, he was a nobleman’s young son – perhaps even a prince. When the city of Jerusalem fell he found himself a captive to the Babylonians and would have had an 800 kilometre walk to Babylon. There, his fortunes started to revive and he […]
David believed the key to being a man was to have courage to walk in obedience to the Lord, to keep his command and decrees. Some people like the expressing, “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” But for David the line went this way, “manliness is next to godliness.”
Jesus was a popular figure after he fed the crowd by the Sea of Galilee. However, not so very long afterwards, people are starting to leave in him droves and then he asks the disciples if they are going to leave as well? Peter, always the first to speak, says, “Lord, to whom shall we […]
Joseph, was one of those men who was in the top echelon of Jewish society. He was one of the 70 men who made up the Jewish supreme council. He rubbed shoulders with all those who were in power. He would have had access to the High Priest and in fact, as we read here, […]
Many of those who followed Jesus then leave – perhaps in dribs and drabs. If Jesus wasn’t going to give them more to eat and perform other amazing miracles they were out of there. At the end Jesus is left only with the twelve. While the great crowds were curious about Jesus – even wanting […]