We continue our series on the Works of Power from John, looking at Jesus feeding the 5,000. As we’ve seen already, each sign points forward to something far greater, and today, we’ll see the bread Jesus provides for the crowd points us forward to something far far greater – and that is the Bread of […]

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Part one of a two part series on the Pentecost. The four points discussed in this first sermon on Acts 2 are: 1. Jesus’ miracles attested that He came from God, 2. God is sovereign and we are responsible, 3. Death could not contain Jesus, and 4. Jesus is Lord and Christ.

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This passage has at its core, the incredible miracle of Jonah being swallowed by a fish where he survives for three days and nights before being spat out on dry land. To some, this story is enough to rubbish the whole bible as being truthful. For the Christian, it is another example of our God […]

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