Despite the fact, that the book of Jeremiah has a lot of “woe” in it, there is also a lot of “hope” in it. What we simply read here is that the Lord himself, will bring about healing. He himself will act, the one who is the Great Shepherd of the Sheep. Instead of relying […]
The thing is that the city of Ephesus was known for its goddess Artemis, the goddess with multiple breasts. Ritual sexual behaviour and prostitution was part of their worship and the language and jokes in the city of Ephesus were often overtly sexual and crude. In that sense, the language and humour of Ephesus are […]
In terms of our understanding Adam and Eve’s sin has also affected the world. Their sin caused a catastrophic change and the result is all sorts of so called “natural” disasters. The devastating bush fires, a volcanic explosion that seemed to come out of no-where (Mount White – NZ Dec. 2019). A tsunami or cyclone. […]