Romans 2:9-29 The True Jew

Are you a true Jew? Do you want to be? Should you be? The first Jews were given every privilege and opportunity by God and yet it seemed to make no difference to them. Paul writes to tell them that they too are sinners who need a saviour and that the gospel is for them […]

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Galatians 2:11-16 Walk the Line

In this short passage, we find that Paul opposes Peter. Why does he do this? What would have been at stake if he had not? What was it that Peter was doing and why was he acting this way? We see that while believing one thing, he does another. We discover this was no mere […]

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Luke 13:1-9 The Patient Gardener

How do people who are responsible for so much tragedy and evil get away with it? We can well imagine those who came up to Jesus that day, telling him this story about the blood Pontius Pilate had spilled in keeping a lid on dissension against Roman Rule in Jerusalem wanting Jesus to condemn Pilate […]

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In this parable we see that something is going to happen and that therefore there is something we have to do. Jesus has come once and he’s coming back again.  When he returns, he will take with him to heaven, to the marriage supper of the lamb, all those who have accepted him as their […]

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