The Profession of Faith of CS. As we enter the second chapter in our Philippians sermon series we take a look at the example of Christ in the life of the church. We can’t be humble in ourselves but we feel very humbled when we focus on Jesus and what He sacrificed for us. This […]
The standards by which God judges faithful ministry are the opposite to the values of this world. Themes within this sermon focus on the godly humility of leaders, marks of true spiritual ministry, the union with the sufferings of the cross, and the need for all Christians to have the gracious mind of Christ.
In this passage of Galatians Paul defines a spiritual person as someone who manifests the fruit of the spirit. The church is urged to live in the Spirit with humility, desiring the good of other people and avoid strife, division and pride.
In this remarkable passage, we find Jesus, the creator of the world, the Son of God, hours away from his arrest and death, kneeling down and washing the feet of his disciples. It was the job of a servant, yet Jesus does this to show that his imminent death would by faith mean that all […]
Continuing in Daniel we see because of his pride that Nebuchadnezzar is brought low by God so that being restored he would then exalt God. In the same way, people today need to be brought low to the point where they will turn to God. We look at The problem of Pride, how it has […]
The city of Laodicea was independent. After a particularly bad earthquake, where much of the city was destroyed, they said to the Roman government, that they could look after themselves. They were proud people, who didn’t need any help! The church itself, seemed to reflect the character of the city. They too were proud and […]
In Luke 7:28 Jesus says John the Baptist is the greatest man ever to have lived. In this morning’s sermon, we examine John in his meekness and humility and his desire to point to Christ and give glory to him alone. John’s desire to decrease while Christ increases must be the desire of all Christians.
Our series in John continues. This week we explore John’s description of Jesus as the lamb of God – a phrase not used in the OT. What did that signify for those who heard John use that term? We see John’s continued desire to be less and for Jesus to be more. And again considering […]
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