The parable presents us with an Exceptional Invitation, but also says there are Exclusions and those who make Excuses. As a truly terrible dinner guest, Jesus contrasts the earthly banquet he attends with the Pharisees to the heavenly banquet. Many who believed they would be honoured will not. Many who also believe they would be […]
While the dishonest manager secured his short term future by the use of wealth, so too Jesus challenges us to use our wealth for the eternal future of ourselves and others. We have to ask ourselves if our wealth will be an idol or an instrument.
Here we examine the Character of the Judge, the Character of the Widow, the Character of God and the Character of Prayer. This parable gives us a character by contrast. On one hand an unjust, uncaring judge who eventually and reluctantly gives justice – is compared to a loving heavenly father who loves to give […]
The people of Israel have sacrificed to the Golden Calf and God desires to reject them as his people. He promises to fulfil his word and send an angel with them, so they can conquer the Promised Land but he is not going. This causes Moses to plead with God to come. All up, a […]
In hearing a good teacher, applying God’s Word, we hear both wonderful ancient truths and new truths. Or ancient truth applied in a fresh way! These truths are not brand new or have never been heard of before but truths that touch out hearts and lives in a fresh and vigorous way. Truths that remind […]
Jesus could have worked the Nazareth’ crowd and performed miracles there, and they would have loved him for it. The problem would be that he would have left them in their sin. They would have thought that they were the objects of God’s love instead of the objects of His wrath. Jesus wasn’t giving in […]
In this parable we see 2 men, 1 storm and 2 outcomes. Digging down deep to lay foundation like the wise man is hard, and in the parable the hearing and then doing the words of Jesus are compared to the energy of digging down deep enough to find solid rock. Our obedience to God’s […]
In this parable we see that something is going to happen and that therefore there is something we have to do. Jesus has come once and he’s coming back again. When he returns, he will take with him to heaven, to the marriage supper of the lamb, all those who have accepted him as their […]