This parable reveals to us a Stifled Son who Spends and the Forgiving Father who offers Freedom. The dictionary defines the word prodigal as meaning…Wasteful or recklessly extravagant: lavish or lavishly abundant.  In understanding the word we can see how the younger son in seeking freedom lived prodigally.  But we also see that the Father, […]

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In this parable we see that something is going to happen and that therefore there is something we have to do. Jesus has come once and he’s coming back again.  When he returns, he will take with him to heaven, to the marriage supper of the lamb, all those who have accepted him as their […]

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In this parable we find a servant as a debtor, a creditor and finally a prisoner. Having been forgiven so much he should have forgiven the one in debt to him.  For the Christian, having been forgiven such a great amount we must also forgive others  For the Christian forgiveness towards others is not only […]

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In this parable we examine the character of the king, the conduct of the subjects of the kingdom. The Master in the parable, like Jesus, incarnates his deep concern for the poor as he shows costly love.  The master’s generosity and compassion give the labourers great hope which we likewise must show to others, that […]

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