John 1:1-5, “Who is Jesus?”

John, most scholars believe, was written later than the other gospels and I believe that John had a specific aim in mind when it came to writing this Gospel. I believe his aim was to disclose fully, who Jesus Christ is. In those days there were already some who questioned whether Jesus was a man […]

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Psalm 145 The A – Z of Praise

The Christian life is to be a life of praise, glory and adoration and these things should characterise our lives from A to Z. Praise should characterise the years of our lives and every aspect of our lives. In looking at Psalm 145 we note that this is the last of David’s Psalms recorded in […]

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Christmas Carols Service

Using a ‘Christingle’ as a visual aid, the children made their own as each part helped explain the meaning of Christmas. An orange to represent the world. A red ribbon representing Jesus blood shed for the sins of the world. 4 sticks of fruit to represent the 4 corners of the earth and the 4 […]

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2 Corinthians 12:1-10 Paul’s Vision

What Paul did in the Corinthians Church was to do something that he found extraordinarily difficult to do. He had decided to use the worldly tactic of comparing himself to his opponents and last week we spent some time looking at this. This week we continue with the same theme, but Paul now goes on […]

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Luke 1:67-80

So, we have the joy of a miraculous birth and an awe in what God is doing. However, when Zechariah, filled with the Holy Spirit expresses himself, we are surprised. We sort of expect him to wax lyrical about his own son John, and although he does mention him, his voice praises God for someone […]

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