This one-off sermon looks at an overview of the book of Judges.  Having been instructed by God through Joshua, the Israelites start to claim the land God has given them.  They are at first careful to obey his commands to drive out all the people before them so that they would not co-habit or share […]

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John 4: 29, 39 To be known by God

When Jesus told her that she had five husbands and the man she was currently living with was not her husband, the woman suddenly felt known in a way that just cut right through to her soul. She felt know, that I can only describe this way, “He touched her heart.” She felt, perhaps for […]

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2 Timothy 3:10-17

Which Christian parent would not urge their own children to go on in the faith? Which Christian parent would not try to be a model for their own children? Which youth leader would not want those they lead to know more about Jesus? It is in that sense that our lifestyle, our faith, our perseverance, […]

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John 4:25-42 Witness

As in Chapter 1 where the disciples go and tell others and bring them to meet Jesus, so too here we see the Samaritan woman tell the townspeople to “Come and See” Jesus.  Even the testimony of this outcast woman was used by God to bring many to believe and many more to come and […]

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2 Timothy 3:6f Gullible?

The problem with these men (false teachers) was that they had an amazing power to deceive. They used the right kind of language! They might have spoken very religiously and even Christianly. Because of their trickery or magic arts they had the power to impress people. They were men who were impressive but were diametrically […]

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What Jesus is saying is that a right relationship with God will not be dependent on a something physical. It will not be necessary to go to a location or a special building to find a right relationship with God. Thus, cathedrals, temples, church buildings can never to declared holy. This building is only important […]

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“But mark this”; “But know this”; “But understand this.” There will be terrible times in the last days.” There will be dark days in the last days! That is abundantly clear from scripture. Yet, the battle is not just between the Christian Church and our society but inside the Christian Church itself. The battle Paul […]

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John 4:1-15 Water

Chapter 4 of John’s gospel introduces us to the woman at the well in Samaria.  As with Nicodemus and Mary previously, Jesus speaks to someone about spiritual and eternal things while they speak about the same things on a material and temporal, earthly level.  In this first part of the chapter, Jesus speaks 3 times.  […]

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