We seem to live in a world today where tolerance is seen as a virtue. The only thing not tolerated is intolerance. This 4th letter, to the church in Thyatira, addresses a church who are commended for their love, faith, service and perseverance. And on top of that their latter works exceed the first, yet […]

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In His 2nd letter, to the church in Smyrna, Jesus addresses a church that face severe persecution. The danger for them and for Christians today is that we might compromise. We possibly do not face death for our faith but must die to ourselves (Luke 9:23). We can grow weary in the temptation of the […]

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This series looks at the letters to the 7 Churches in Revelation. In His 1st letter, Jesus writes to the church in Ephesus. A church commended for hard work and patient endurance and yet criticised for having lost their first love. Perhaps love for God or possibly love for others, but it is a failure […]

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The old Peter resurfaces in this text and his mouth moves before his brain is engaged. Peter says this, “What about him?” I think we all relate to Peter’s comments. The human condition is such that we spend endless time comparing ourselves with others. We so often feel good or bad in comparison to others. […]

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