John 14:1-6 – “When In Doubt”

Young Adults Evening Service. In this sermon Steve looks at the different reasons for why we believe in Jesus Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). He looks at the philosophical, experiential, rational, phenomenological, historical and spiritual reasons for faith.

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Philip Ryken said this: “God is the main character of this chapter; he is the hero, or protagonist. Thus the lessons to be learned from 1 Kings 17 are not about Elijah primarily…but they are really about the living God.” Aaron takes us through this resurrection story with three main points: 1. From Life to […]

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Psalm 130 is a song of ascents, expressing a journey from death to life, from despair to joy, from personal to public. This sermon looks at the three messages of the Psalm: 1. Prayer from the Pit (vs. 1-4) 2. Sermon to Self (vs. 5-6) 3. Declaration of Deliverance (vs. 7-8)

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Young Adults Evening Service. “Why bother with going to church? Because Jesus bothered to save us, and wants to see more saved. We are called to be God’s family, his embassy, to see God preached to a lost world. Are you bothered to go to church? Does it bother you that people are missing out […]

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