We move into 1 Samuel 3. The Word of the Lord was rare in those days, but God breaks through the silence by calling young Samuel to the office of prophet. His first task? To deliver devastating news to Eli the priest of impending judgment.
Despite the fact, that the book of Jeremiah has a lot of “woe” in it, there is also a lot of “hope” in it. What we simply read here is that the Lord himself, will bring about healing. He himself will act, the one who is the Great Shepherd of the Sheep. Instead of relying […]
I called him a “wily old prophet” but he is really a false prophet, a conniving and wicked prophet, who did not speak for God at all! Jesus described Satan as being the “Father of lies” and this man then was one of Satan’s children. Yet, there is more to the story than that!
I entitled the sermon, “A perplexing Tale” because it is more than confusing. We have a prophet, who for the most part is good and faithful but does “disobey” God’s expressed command and then dies and is buried in Israel. We have a wily old prophet who lies and seems to get away with it. […]