In His 2nd letter, to the church in Smyrna, Jesus addresses a church that face severe persecution. The danger for them and for Christians today is that we might compromise. We possibly do not face death for our faith but must die to ourselves (Luke 9:23). We can grow weary in the temptation of the […]

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This series looks at the letters to the 7 Churches in Revelation. In His 1st letter, Jesus writes to the church in Ephesus. A church commended for hard work and patient endurance and yet criticised for having lost their first love. Perhaps love for God or possibly love for others, but it is a failure […]

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Acts 9:19b-43

The passage reveals some remarkable turnarounds! Some truly, ‘I never saw that coming’ moments. People saved and healed. We consider how Jesus is proclaimed by Saul as the Son of God, that Jesus can save even the most unlikely people and finally how Jesus can heal and do what is humanly impossible. All of it […]

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Daniel 6 – Daniel in the Lion’s Den

In one of the Old Testaments best-known stories, Daniel is thrown into the Lions Den.  We are reminded that the bible is God’s story, so while Daniel is a man from whom lessons may be drawn for our life, the story is ultimately about God.  We see that God is king over history, over empires […]

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2 Timothy 3:10-17

Which Christian parent would not urge their own children to go on in the faith? Which Christian parent would not try to be a model for their own children? Which youth leader would not want those they lead to know more about Jesus? It is in that sense that our lifestyle, our faith, our perseverance, […]

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