This series looks at the letters to the 7 Churches in Revelation. In His 1st letter, Jesus writes to the church in Ephesus. A church commended for hard work and patient endurance and yet criticised for having lost their first love. Perhaps love for God or possibly love for others, but it is a failure […]
Paul is continuing to answer the question of whether or not because we are justified by grace and not by works, whether then how we live actually atters? Can I not just continue to sin? If I am dead to the law, can I not live however I please? Surely I have no need to […]
In this parable, we see the prodigal planner and the party pooper. As the younger son returns with his pre-prepared plan to be a hired servant and hopefully work his way back into his father’s favour, the father contradicts his plan as he welcomes him and reinstates him into the family. It is such a […]