In this sermon we look at two “grace” gifts that God has provided us with in Christ. The first is the redemption through his blood and the second is the “Knowledge” and insight that we receive because we belong to Christ. We know what the problem of man is. We know how we have been […]

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Mark 2:1-12 Who is this Man?

The book of Mark asks and helps to answer the question – Who is this man Jesus?  In this passage where Jesus heals a paralysed man, there is further evidence that Jesus is in fact not merely a man but is, in fact, God incarnate.  This is seen as Jesus knows people’s heart, He has […]

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John 4: 29, 39 To be known by God

When Jesus told her that she had five husbands and the man she was currently living with was not her husband, the woman suddenly felt known in a way that just cut right through to her soul. She felt know, that I can only describe this way, “He touched her heart.” She felt, perhaps for […]

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