The passage reveals some remarkable turnarounds! Some truly, ‘I never saw that coming’ moments. People saved and healed. We consider how Jesus is proclaimed by Saul as the Son of God, that Jesus can save even the most unlikely people and finally how Jesus can heal and do what is humanly impossible. All of it […]
This moment on the road to Emmaus leads to a discovery for the disciples on their journey which changed their lives eternally. An understanding of who the man journeying with them and what it is that has happened can change our lives also. Jesus was raised to life, resurrected – and for those who believe […]
As the Jews in the passage essentially say to Jesus, ‘who do you think you are?’ we take a look then at just who Jesus is. We consider whether he is a Samaritan with a demon? Is he greater than Abraham? Is he in fact the son of God? God himself come to earth? How […]
We celebrate today the good news that Jesus has risen from the dead! But why is it good news? What are the implications of the resurrection? What difference does it and should it make in the lives of Christians today? We look at the disciples who knew Jesus was dead but then heard he was […]
This final portion in John 1 calls us speaks of sight. Phillip says, ‘Come and See.’ Jesus then says, ‘I saw you’ and finally tells us that ‘You will see.’ We see a model of discipleship where those who come to meet Jesus and are changed, in turn bring others to come and see him […]
A.W.Tozer said, ‘What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.’ Who is Jesus to you? Is he a stumbling block to you? Will you reject him and be crushed by him in judgement or is he your saviour? Or perhaps you think he is absent, leaving […]