1 John 3:16-18, 4:7-12 – “Love like Jesus”

Following Jesus means becoming more like him – especially in love and compassion. In John’s first letter, he makes it clear that we are to follow the example of Jesus love, which means taking the initiative in serving, acting self sacrificially, and revealing the truth of the gospel. When we love one another like this, […]

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John 13 “Jesus, Servant and Lord”

In this remarkable passage, we find Jesus, the creator of the world, the Son of God, hours away from his arrest and death, kneeling down and washing the feet of his disciples. It was the job of a servant, yet Jesus does this to show that his imminent death would by faith mean that all […]

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John 4:1-9 He had to go that way

When we read in the Gospels that Jesus came to seek and the save the lost, he wasn’t just referring to the lost sheep of Israel. He tells the disciples that he has other sheep as well – those who would in the future belong to his flock!

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