We continue our series on the Works of Power from John, looking at Jesus feeding the 5,000. As we’ve seen already, each sign points forward to something far greater, and today, we’ll see the bread Jesus provides for the crowd points us forward to something far far greater – and that is the Bread of […]
We turn to the second miracle recorded in the Gospel of John, Jesus healing the official’s son (John 4:46-54). We learn more about who Jesus is and about faith.
The third and final part of Matt’s short series about Jesus’ ministry. Jesus is strong in His condemnation of sin, His speech against false converts and in what the Bible teaches. Jesus will deal with us kindly if we confess our sins, His yoke is easy and He will give us rest.
When Jesus came, He was very different to what people expected. John doubted Jesus was the Messiah, and the people wanted someone different. As the people’s expectations were not met, they missed Jesus as the Saviour and our Redeemer. In this sermon we hear how Jesus is the true Messiah, but not the Messiah we […]
John, most scholars believe, was written later than the other gospels and I believe that John had a specific aim in mind when it came to writing this Gospel. I believe his aim was to disclose fully, who Jesus Christ is. In those days there were already some who questioned whether Jesus was a man […]