This morning we work through the vision found in Ezekiel 1 and are reminded of the Glory of God. We look at the picture of the vision found in this chapter and then the meaning of the vision.
C.S. Lewis said, “The central miracle asserted by Christians is the incarnation. They say that God became man. Every other miracle prepares for this, or exhibits this, or results from this.” We look at the prophecy of Zechariah following the birth of John the Baptist to help us see that the incarnation of Jesus should […]
This is the 2nd part in a 2 part series to introduce and teach the church our new mission statement. “We exist to Win people to Christ and to be transformed to be like Jesus.” We want to recognise that having a mission gives us our reason for being and that from our mission comes […]
This one-off sermon looks at an overview of the book of Judges. Having been instructed by God through Joshua, the Israelites start to claim the land God has given them. They are at first careful to obey his commands to drive out all the people before them so that they would not co-habit or share […]
In this parable we see that something is going to happen and that therefore there is something we have to do. Jesus has come once and he’s coming back again. When he returns, he will take with him to heaven, to the marriage supper of the lamb, all those who have accepted him as their […]
The word “yoked” means that you have lost independent movement. In that sense, we cannot see ourselves as a church, or me as a minister, formalising a marriage between a Christian and a non-Christian. That would see two people yokes together who are not united spiritually. It of course does bring up many other difficult […]
Paul gives the reason why a Christian should stay in their marriage to an unbeliever. Paul and others had brought the gospel to the Corinthian Christians but not everyone believed in the Lord Jesus. Many couples would have come to faith but of course there were some where only one of the spouses came to faith. […]