Birds are creatures that live on the earth but reach for the heavens. They exist in the space between heaven and earth. They have their feet on the ground but their heart is in the sky. In this sermon Tom takes us through Jesus’ command to “Look at the Birds” and what that means.
Following on from Stephen’s sermon, we see the result, as he is put to death by the Jews. The Jews do not see the error of their ways this leads to Stephen seeing Jesus and finally, we now see the fulfilment of Jesus’ words. The disciples are scattered into Judea and Samaria just as Jesus […]
We envisage pilrgrms making their way to Jerusalem in order to attend one of festivals adn to go to teh temple to worship God. As they make their way on the journey they look for help. None is to be found in the hills. In fact, God alone can help. The pilgrims face Potential Problems, […]
We celebrate today the good news that Jesus has risen from the dead! But why is it good news? What are the implications of the resurrection? What difference does it and should it make in the lives of Christians today? We look at the disciples who knew Jesus was dead but then heard he was […]
Romans 1:18 tells us that the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness. There will be a final day when Jesus returns and the wrath of God will be revealed at that time. Yet this verse says that it is being revealed now. So in what ways do we see the […]
This Easter Day message considers the popular secular opinion that sees people trying to live their best life now. Jesus death and resurrection, however, shows us that the best is yet to come! Unless we follow Jesus today we will never experience the best that is yet to come and neither can we find true […]
Our eternal destination has nothing to do with the size of the funeral! The destinations have nothing to do with how many people turn up for the service or even what is said at the funeral. The destinations do not hinge or wealth or status, on the amount of family and friends that you have. […]
The parable presents us with an Exceptional Invitation, but also says there are Exclusions and those who make Excuses. As a truly terrible dinner guest, Jesus contrasts the earthly banquet he attends with the Pharisees to the heavenly banquet. Many who believed they would be honoured will not. Many who also believe they would be […]