Have you seen his glory? Have you given him glory? As we approach Easter through John’s Gospel, we have to see it. Easter is about remembering his greatness and getting everything back into perspective. It is to have an elevated opinion about Jesus. It is to see his holiness. It is to appreciate God’s love.
Sin, which is ultimately selfish, can blind us to discovering truth. It is so important that we examine ourselves and ask God to give us the ability to discern truth from error and to have a realistic look at ourselves. If we want to go on sinning, then we have actually lost our ability to […]
After defeating the Midianites with only 300 men, bearing only trumpets and empty jars, we conclude that the victory is the Lord’s! It could be no other. Yet in Judges ch8 we find a picture of Gideon that suggests he is trying to claim some credit for himself. We consider that we cannot seek glory […]
Paul opens up this section of Romans 8 by acknowledging that the result of sin has brought suffering. Yet compared with the glory to come for the Christian, our suffering and trials are not worth comparing. As God’s children, we must expect suffering, even as evidence that we are truly God’s children and disciples. So […]
Being declared to be right with God carries with it the privileges of sonship, of real peace, of access, and of the hope of glory. These are the fruit, the outcomes of being declared right with God. Have you experienced that peace? That acceptance? Do you know that you are a child of God – […]
A person could be tempted to think that because of their background or history that God might judge them differently to others. Paul goes out of his way to say that God judges us by what we do. This is of course something that needs to be explained because I am not talking about salvation […]
We continue our series through the first chapter of John. The passage helps us to ask the question whether we can know God? All along we are looking to also answer the question of who this man Jesus is? Verses 14-18 speak of Glory, Grace and a Gift. Jesus is the radiance of the Glory […]
The Christian life is to be a life of praise, glory and adoration and these things should characterise our lives from A to Z. Praise should characterise the years of our lives and every aspect of our lives. In looking at Psalm 145 we note that this is the last of David’s Psalms recorded in […]