We move into 1 Samuel 3. The Word of the Lord was rare in those days, but God breaks through the silence by calling young Samuel to the office of prophet. His first task? To deliver devastating news to Eli the priest of impending judgment.
Following on from Stephen’s sermon, we see the result, as he is put to death by the Jews. The Jews do not see the error of their ways this leads to Stephen seeing Jesus and finally, we now see the fulfilment of Jesus’ words. The disciples are scattered into Judea and Samaria just as Jesus […]
Moving towards Christmas we look at one of the prophecies regarding Jesus birth. Found in the first chapter of Matthew it is originally found in Isaiah 7 and concerns the coming of Immanuel, born of a virgin. A familiar passage, as is the whole Christmas story. Yet, has the good news of Jesus coming become […]
So, we have the joy of a miraculous birth and an awe in what God is doing. However, when Zechariah, filled with the Holy Spirit expresses himself, we are surprised. We sort of expect him to wax lyrical about his own son John, and although he does mention him, his voice praises God for someone […]