The second part of a two part series on 2 John. After discussing the signs of an authentic Christian church last week, Rev Colin Grant walks through the commitments of an authentic Christian church. There are four points. An authentic Christian church is committed to: 1. Recognise False Teaching 2. Run from False Teaching 3. […]
We seem to live in a world today where tolerance is seen as a virtue. The only thing not tolerated is intolerance. This 4th letter, to the church in Thyatira, addresses a church who are commended for their love, faith, service and perseverance. And on top of that their latter works exceed the first, yet […]
If we want to be workers approved… then we need to have work that is approved and that means, in the context here, speaking God’s Word in a straight forward and plain manner. This Word has to be presented well, or should I say truly and biblically because if we get it wrong then we […]