Ahab demonstrates what a poor king he is when he stands by and lets Jezebel murder Naboth for a piece of land that he is desperate to have.
This is very significant for Elijah to hear. Elijah up to this point had what we might call a “Messiah complex”. He thought everything depended on him! He had said, “I am the only one left and now they are trying to kill me too!” The truth was that he thought he was the only […]
Amazingly, Moses stood in the presence of God, on Mount Sinai, perhaps in the same spot as Elijah and instead of condemning the Israelites for their sins, like Elijah did, he pleaded with God for them. He was their intercessor. Hundreds of years later, Jesus, on another mountain pleaded with God for his own people. […]
We need to ask the question at this point, as to whether we are free as Christians to walk out of the battle. Is a soldier allowed to leave his place in the ranks or on the field of battle? Shouldn’t he wait for his commanding officer to tell him where he is to serve […]
Jezebel wants to take Elijah’s life and yet she is limited by God in her ability to do so. Elijah serves the one true God. Jezebel is a servant of Satan opposed to the Kingdom of God.
I use to think this was a power encounter between God and Baal but that is wrong. Baal has no power. Rather God demonstrates his power here so that his covenant people would believe in him and worship him only.
You can then appreciate the place that Obadiah found himself in. He worked for Ahab, in fact he appeared to be one of his most trusted advisers, but he was also a believer in God. He stood between the most powerful man in the physical Kingdom of Israel, someone who could take his own life […]
In this series on 1 Kings we discover one disappointing king after another and in this sermon we come to the lowest point where King Ahab decides to institute the cult of Baal as the state religion. God, by his grace, however, doesn’t let him get away with it and sends his prophet to rebuke […]