This passage has at its core, the incredible miracle of Jonah being swallowed by a fish where he survives for three days and nights before being spat out on dry land. To some, this story is enough to rubbish the whole bible as being truthful. For the Christian, it is another example of our God […]
This series on the book of Jonah recognises that the key character in the book is God, Not Jonah. Even in the first three verses, we find Jonah running from the call of God to preach to the city of Nineveh. This is compared with God, who shows such compassion, being willing even to offer […]
We have a God that is forgiving and gracious to us and we should praise him for these wonderful attributes.
In this parable we examine the character of the king, the conduct of the subjects of the kingdom. The Master in the parable, like Jesus, incarnates his deep concern for the poor as he shows costly love. The master’s generosity and compassion give the labourers great hope which we likewise must show to others, that […]