When Jesus told her that she had five husbands and the man she was currently living with was not her husband, the woman suddenly felt known in a way that just cut right through to her soul. She felt know, that I can only describe this way, “He touched her heart.” She felt, perhaps for […]
In this section of Scripture, Jesus is pictured as he really is. He is pictured as a King, coming in all his glory with his angels. He then calls the nations before him and he is placing all humanity into two distinct camps. He is separating the sheep from the goats. On the day of […]
No doubt those who heard this parable, especially the disciples who were fisherman, knew exactly what Jesus was talking about when he spoke about a dragnet. Once the fish were brought to shore, a judgement would have to be made about the fish. Which one’s made good eating and which ones did not! The good […]