Sammy’s Secret Diary – Holiday Bible Club 2016!



Hi Sammy here for my last update.
I am so upset. People told me today that they are reading my private diary entry! I don’t think they will be reading this one though. This week has gone so fast and how sad I was to see the cauldron go out at the end of the HBC Olympic Games! I don’t think anyone say the tear in my eye. How embarrassing!

All the classes had a great morning learning more and we finished saying the w-h-o-l-e memory verse so well. I am going to try and remember it until I am 99 and a half. After that I’ll try and remember something else. Like who I was going to invite to my 100th birthday party.

I was glad that at last everyone realised it was Katarina responsible for all the bad things happening at the Olympics. That was a sneaky trick they used to trap her hey! She just made trouble everywhere she went! But then, after she was tied up, she confessed everything and she was really, really sorry. The others forgave her and that was good! She is a new person. All forgiven and happy, ready to compete in less than a month at the Rio Olympics! I’ll probably see her there as I go to win a gold medal in Solo Synchronised Swimming. We might meet up for a strawberry milkshake or ten.

Today there was heaps going on in the Olympic village here at Barden Ridge. Year 6 were doing things with comic book pictures. They had a questions and answers box and could write all sorts of questions about God. They had great chats about the questions and said that the Bible has the answer to everything about life!

Year 4&5 had a super great craft. They also had so much energy! They should have been put on the track to do a 50 km marathon run and I bet they would not have been tired after it!

Year 3 had the best day ever! They were doing woodwork. That is the most amazing thing in the world because all these cool grandpas make up all these woodwork kits and then all these men from this church come along and help kids make the amazing things! I made something but I hit my finger with a hammer and now my finger is all blue. I can’t remember which finger, because they are all blue. But you know. It was blue-er than the others at the time.

Year 1&2 talked about saying “No” to things which they know you should not do. Just like people should say “No” to Katarina when she was doing the wrong thing! I will say “No” to people who tell me to be mean to someone. And I will say “No” to people who tell me to drink 20 milk shakes before an event because they just want to see me puke!

Kindy made some cute decorated tins. The tins were clean and safe and I wouldn’t want anyone to worry. (So I won’t mention the bandaids that were used on cut fingers. Ha ha. The athletes here were pretty tough! What’s a missing finger or 2 when you are having fun?)

When everyone left, I watched this whole army of little fairies and elves come and clean the whole Olympic village away. If I go to Cadets or GEMS, I will be able to see the building as it normally is.

Then someone said thankyou to all the Olympic workers. There were HEAPS mentioned (see if I can say this whole list in one breath…)
Kitchen coordinators and helpers
Craft organisers and helpers
Class helpers
Main HBC organisers
Drama people
Sound and projector operators
Sport day organisers
Registration team
Woodwork organisers and helpers
Concert organisers
Publicity people
Hall decorators
Team kids babysitter
Praying people

Phew! And I thought someone just pushed a button, lit the cauldron and it all just happened!
I hope all those people do it again because I sure love HBC!

Well I was so thankful to the kids for coming along this week. I hope they learnt heaps more about God and about how much He loves them and cares about them. He is with us always and wants us to live our lives with Him in our heart. I will talk to Him today because He really hears me!
Until later, when something else cool happens, bye diary!

From Sammy




Hi there secret diary, Sammy here.
I am tired! Are you? No, I guess you are not because you are only a diary and books don’t get tired.

I love holidays and the HBC “Almost Closing Ceremony” was the BESTEST fun ever! I even got to do a running commentary of the 3000m race. I hope Bruce and Willem feel better soon after drinking that drink with the poison in it! We will find out tomorrow what happens! I wonder if they gave Mrs Cooper her handbag back with the stuff in it! Katarina stole it! How embarrassing to have your handbag emptied in front of everyone!

All the Kindy kids did a great song in the concert about the best book to read. It is the Bible. And the best friend to have is Jesus.

Then Year 1 and 2 sang a great song about how God rules and is the boss of everything. I guess that is because He made the world, so He must know how it’s supposed to operate!

Year 3 made a movie! It had the memory verse in it. I think it will be showing at the new Miranda Fair cinemas next week!

Year 4 and 5 did a super cool jumping up and down song and I keep singing that song in my head!

Year 6 did an amazing play with props and great acting. Year 6 are so lucky. They get to go on Friday nights to the youth group next year. I wish I was old enough for Youth Group.
But I am old enough for going to Cadets, so I will do that after HBC I think.

OK everyone, if you want a lolly to start your Friday off, you will need to know the security password… see if you can find the coach, Charlotte and whisper to her the password… “GEMS and Cadets are the best!”

I wonder if they are going to turn the cauldron off tomorrow? It’s been burning all week. It sure has been a great week and I’ll be so sad when it is finished! I feel cranky that it is only 5 days. I feel cranky like the farmer that Bruce mentioned. The farmer who had cows that Bruce kept putting marbles in their ears and they came out in the milk. The farmer was cranky but didn’t mind really. He was pretty easy going and when people told him what Bruce had done he said it didn’t matter to him because it just went in one ear and out the udder!
Have a good last day of HBC everyone!

bye, from

P.S….. If you want to see some photos of 2016 Holiday Bible Club… keep your eye on this page!



Wow, you have to be brave like me to be here at the HBC Olympic games. Someone tipped Bruce and Willem out of their training canoe! And now they say that Wendy Wigglesworth is the one who has been doing all the bad things. Do you think that’s true? I thought she was such a nice lady when I watched her on the news. It was a bit scary to see the police at HBC arresting Wendy. I hope she isn’t too cold in the cell overnight. I really don’t see how she could be the one who tipped the canoe over but Katarina said she saw her do it, so I suppose it is true.

Anyway, I LOVED HBC today. One of the athletes had to go to the vet. Why the vet you ask? Because his calves hurt.

Kindy talked about how life is a bit like an obstacle course. They had one in their room too! Kindy were clever going over their obstacles. If we are friends with God, He will help us over the obstacles in our life.

Year 1&2 had fun and are also pretty pumped about their song for tomorrow night. They are ready to star in the “Almost Closing Ceremony”. I’ll see how good they are! They are certainly good at woodwork!!! You should see the amazing things they made! In their class they had paper with different ‘sins’ on them. They talked about how sin is made clean by Jesus and turned the papers around so they were as white as white.

Year 3 were thinking about the memory verse we are all learning. It talks about being ‘tangled in sin’. They talked about how God can untangle our lives and help us live for Him! Year 3 are STILL doing something with secret filming. I don’t know what they are doing but I think it is special for the concert tomorrow afternoon.

Year 4 & 5 were learning about the idea of being tangled in sin too. So, the best way to understand is to find someone (Zahnri) and tangle her up in string! Then they put post-it notes all over her with sins written on them. She could not untangle herself. They all needed to help her. Hey! That is like God helping us if we ask Him!

Year 6 are going for gold in the drama department. They might win an academy award for their acting tomorrow afternoon! I’m super keen to see them and they are super keen for their moment of fame and fortune (well, maybe not too much fortune!) Also, something amazing happened! I called the fire Brigade because I smelled SMOKE! I ran around calling,


Then I realized it was just year 6 burning a book in which they wrote a whole heap of sins. After they burnt it, it was completely gone! (Just like our sins are completely gone when Jesus forgives us!) I felt silly about calling the fire brigade so I put someone’s cat in a tree so they could rescue that instead.

OK, the HBC Olympics has just 2 more days to go! Thursday’s Olympic Games Sports Day and then hotdogs and then the “Almost Closing Ceremony” is going to be awesome! I heard Mums sounding pretty excited because they don’t need to make lunch. And the Dads are pretty excited because they don’t need to make it either. The kids are excited because they are all starring in the show and everyone who is in it or knows someone who is in it gets FREE ENTRY!!!

I’m telling Uncle Festus to get there on time… 11:45 for HOT DOGS and 12:15pm for the CONCERT! I know he’ll want a good seat!

The secret Police are everywhere doing security checks. If you see someone on Thursday morning called Willem, whisper to him this secret password… “30 days to Rio”. And you only get a lolly if you whisper it!

I have my Solo Synchronised Swimming event on tomorrow….eeeek. I have been busy practising in the bath all afternoon! I’ve got grandma fingers from being in the water too long.
OK fellow athletes, see you Thursday morning!

Bye for now, back to the bath tub!





Hi!  Sammy here with an update on what has been happening at the HBC Olympic village today.

Unfortunately, everything is not great. Someone has been touching the special training exercise equipment and made it break when Bruce went to get onto it. Now Bruce has a sore leg and maybe can’t compete. I wonder who sabotaged the equipment? We have no idea.

I went to check out what some of the other athletes were doing today.
All of Year 6 made these amazing props for the “Almost Closing Ceremony” concert. I can’t tell you what they are because then it won’t be a surprise when you come with your family to the CONCERT on Thursday afternoon! 12:15 it will start. Or I will tell all my family to come at 11:45 for the free hot dog lunch.

Year 4&5  had a great day today. They were the winners AGAIN for the biggest class. (They say they should win GOLD for being the biggest AND the BEST! But that might make other groups jealous!)

Year 3  went into 4 groups and learnt amazing things about God! Then there was some sneaky filming going on. A LOT of sneaky filming. I don’t know if it is for the concert on Thursday but it looks pretty cool!

Year 1&2 Before I tell you about what I saw there, I’ll tell you a secret. I heard that tomorrow there is a new secret security password. If you whisper it to Katarina in the morning who is wearing a brown beanie on her head, then she will give you a lolly. Now, to tell you about year 2. They acted out some great Olympic events like the Backstroke, the Running, the Pizza eating contest and the worm eating contest. The WHAT!!!??? They got to make the layered sand bottles. They also learned about talking to God and saying “Thank you”, “Sorry” and “Please” to Him. I will say “Thank you for HBC”! I will say “Sorry for putting a dead cockroach in my sister’s breakfast” and I will say “Please can I learn more about God this week?” I learnt that God ALWAYS hears our prayers.

Kinder are singing this great song at the Thursday about a top selling book! You’ll have to come and see how good they are! They had fun today because when all the big stinky kids went away, they had the whole carpark to themselves to play in. Cool! Did I tell you the secret password yet?

OK, I’ll tell you what the security password is “Cockroaches are crunchy”. My sister came up with that one. BUT the password will only work if it is WHISPERED to the person mentioned above. If it is called out… no treat!

Well, I can’t wait to see what will happen in the HBC Olympic village on Wednesday. I saw on the program that all parents and kids who come at 11:45am on THURSDAY get a free hot dog lunch! My Olympic diet schedule includes hot dogs at least once a week, so I can’t wait!!!





Dear Diary,

Sammy here.

Today I went to the Holiday Bible Club Olympic games!


I am trying to become the world champion Solo Synchronized Swimmer. Today was the lighting of the cauldron. It was a bit weird because it was all planned out for Bruce to pass it on to Willem but Bruce hogged the Olympic torch! I thought he was going to light it and then suddenly this lady from the Ukraine, Katrina, jumped onto the track, grabbed the torch and lit the amazing cauldron! That was so unexpected that it even got on the news! I heard Wendy Wigglesworth reporting about it.

I was looking all day for the place where the athletes sleep. While I was looking, I saw some cool things happening around the Olympic village.

Year 6 were singing the Australian National Anthem. I think Pink is the new winning Olympic colour!

Year 4/5 was the winning class with the most kids. I wish I was in grade 4 or 5. What grade am I in? I keep forgetting how old I am! This class was the woodwork medal winners today. How lucky were they to be doing woodwork on the first day?!!!. They made AMAZING things!

Year 3 made placemats today which I was jealous about because they last forever and I want one too! Maybe I will still get a turn to make one. Year 3 kids have weird names. Like “Blake-the-Brave” and “Jumping-Joel”. They drew the Bible story and told it again from their drawings. I wish I could draw that goodly.

Years 1&2 made grass heads. If they remember to water them they will grow hair and the kids will be allowed to cut their hair. I cut my own hair once and I looked like a pineapple. That was not a good idea. Note to self: Don’t cut my own hair ever, ever again! They did an Olympic Quiz too and were pretty clever.

Kinder kids had so much fun. They made paper chains sooooooo long! Some were longer than themselves. They would all win gold medals for Chain Longness.

Anyway, I have been busy all afternoon reading all the guide books. I had to eat healthy food as part of my training. I’m having brown beans for dinner. Apparently it is good for solo synchronised swimmers because it helps you float better in the water. I don’t know why. The book said something about gas but I don’t get it.

Anyway, if you are a kid and you are going to be at HBC on Tuesday… and if you have read all this, then go up to ‘Bruce’ and say “Sammy is at the Olympics” and you will get a lolly. Pretty cool hey!? But it’s a secret…. so whisper it and don’t tell anyone else!

See you on Tuesday!
See ya later crocodile, in a while alligator. (is that right?) Hmmm.
Keep your eyes on the goal!
love Sammy.

(I hope no one is actually reading this very secret diary!)