2 Timothy 2:14-19 A workman approved

If we want to be workers approved… then we need to have work that is approved and that means, in the context here, speaking God’s Word in a straight forward and plain manner. This Word has to be presented well, or should I say truly and biblically because if we get it wrong then we […]

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The truth is that in every area of life there is betrayal! People can be sceptical about promises made because so many promises are broken. It happens in marriage, it happens with our politicians and leaders. It happens in the day to day events of life. We have royal commissions into all kinds of abuse […]

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Matthew 13:51-52 New and Old

In hearing a good teacher, applying God’s Word, we hear both wonderful ancient truths and new truths. Or ancient truth applied in a fresh way! These truths are not brand new or have never been heard of before but truths that touch out hearts and lives in a fresh and vigorous way. Truths that remind […]

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This “Third Mark” of what it is to be a true Church, according to the Reformers, is church disciple, and it is something that we rebel against. Many people, from the community, would find the whole idea of Christian discipline obnoxious. Western society supports individual rights and individual freedom! We live in a world, where […]

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